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New York
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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How Much Does a Divorce Lawyer Cost?

If you anticipate heading down the road of divorce with your spouse, it's important to consider your financial standpoint to ensure the efficiency of your divorce proceedings. Generally speaking, if you can't afford a...

Divorce DIY How Much Does it Cost

Needless to say, filing for a divorce is a serious decision that can alter your finances and the relationships within your family. Unfortunately, most methods of divorce are extremely expensive and can lead to...

Divorce Costs: 5 Important Things Lawyers Don’t Want You to Know

Divorce is a simple, straightforward procedure, right? Wrong! If you choose to pursue a divorce, you're in for a lengthy process that could lead to exorbitant lawyer fees and other associated costs. The fact...

Contemplating Divorce? Take These Three Financial Areas into Consideration

When a married couple decides to get a divorce, they may be particularly worried about the financial consequences of their decision. While it's true that a divorce can alter your current financial situation, you...
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