5 Signs That Point Towards Your Child’s Dissatisfaction with Your Divorce


When you decide that your marriage isn’t worth fighting for anymore, it’s reasonable to file for a divorce. Though, if you have children, you’ll have to realize that your divorce will affect them, possibly in a negative way. Every child takes the news of divorce differently, but there are a few universal signs that should help you recognize if your child is dissatisfied with your divorce.

In this article. we’ll explain five common signs that you should look for to distinguish if your child if struggling with your divorce.

Excessive Crying

Divorce is a complicated decision that many children are too immature to understand. There could be a wide array of reasons of why you sought after a divorce. However, even if a divorce was necessary for the future of your family, it’s likely that this news will hurt your child.

Excessive crying and sadness are obvious signs that depict your child’s dissatisfaction with your decision. In their mind, they may be mourning the dissolution of their family. It’s best to give your child time to cope with your divorce. You can still attempt to encourage them and establish a quality family time to convince them that life moves on.

Complete Withdrawal

In some situations, a divorce can cause a child to harbor animosity towards their parents. This level of animosity can develop into feelings of indifference and withdrawal as your child is mourning your divorce. If your child is hesitant or unwilling to speak to you during and after your divorce, it’s a safe bet that they are in complete withdrawal.

If this is the case, persistence is key to reaching them and proving that you still care for them in spite of your separation. It won’t be easy to accomplish this goal, but all wounds generally heal with time. Eventually, your child will come to terms with your divorce if you have shown a loving persistence in meeting their needs and comforting them during their difficult period.

Unsatisfactory Behavior

Divorce can effectively cause stress in most children. One common response to stress among children is acting out in school, at home, and other places. Your child may feel angry or oppositional if they are hurt by your divorce. To rectify this behavior, try to talk and understand why your child is channeling their behavior in this manner. Alternatively, you can seek outside help if this behavior becomes volatile and out of your control.

Decline Performance at School

The stress of divorce can cause children not to focus on school, and this behavior can become disastrous. Evidently, problems at home can deter school performance. Hence, if you are recently divorced and your child is performing poorly in school, it’s unlikely that this correlation is a coincidence.

Upon noticing this behavior, talk to your child’s teachers to understand the extent of their poor focus and behavior. If your child refuses to speak with you about their situation, talk to their pediatrician or consult a therapist to open the line of communication between you and your child.